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About Us

Phoenix Removals provides moving and cleaning services with an acceptance guarantee. We personally attend the apartment acceptance and guarantee you a perfect cleaning experience.

We thoroughly clean everything from kitchens to doors and windows to plumbing fixtures. Leave the entire apartment to us, right down to the broom-clean basement.

Time is precious and jobs need to be completed quickly - we are trained in this. Our scheduling is flexible and individually adapted to your wishes. No matter whether it is a large or small order - we complete every task reliably and thoroughly. We bring the necessary cleaning materials with us.

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Location and contact

Show directions

Phoenix Umzüge

  • office address office address

    Landstrasse 33 4452 Itingen

  • Phone Phone
    0445... Show number 044 544 26 28
    0798... Show mobile number 079 835 82 67
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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Phoenix Umzüge